
Tranzview Smatlab - The Graphic Economical Automation Solution

  No programming is required!
Configure applications using simple "fill-in-the-blank" HTML forms
Please step-by-step setup "Configure applications"

Step 1 and 2:
Click for Login systems configuration mode and setup parameters.

Step 3:
Click Logical control setup button

Step 4 , 5 and 6:
Clickk Add Control condition button for select Control Condition
Decision Card Condition - for definition hardware device
Date definition - for setup device auto start and stop time.
Product Filter - For setup RS232 serial port data input condition control.

Step 7:
Setup device IP addresses , IP address can be self or another device in defend IP address.

Note : The Tranzview Web server addresses both of these issues. A local Web client dan easily administer all Tranzview server nodes on an intranet or the Internet.

Step 8:
Select device and device state

Setup date and time to start conttrol device

Step 9:
Select Job for setup device

Step 10:
Setup device IP addresses, IP address can be self or another device in defend IP address.

Step 11 - 14:
Select device and device states

Step 15:
Time delay for device delay action time, unit is m/Sec.

Step 16:
Setup sends email for report or alarm function.

Step 17:
Setup start and stop recoding.

Step 18:
Setup sends product report by email and changes the video view

Device Driver
Self Test Software & Sample Code
Web Based DAQ