
Device Driver Technology for Digital Input Output Data Acquisition Card

Window Device Driver:
Designed to support the Smatlab range of ISA and PCI bus data acquisition cards this kernel mode device driver and API (Application Programming Interface) library provide an easy way for the programmer to develop applications for Windows 95/98/NT using Visual Basic, Visual C/C++ and Delphi. On-line manual for user can easily understand step-by-step install the drivers and sample programs support user development new project fast and easily.

Windows 2000 and XP comes a new device driver model WDM (Windows Driver Model) with the new device driver interface. To keep up with these advances in operating system features.

Linux Device Driver:
We produced a number of version Linux kernel device drivers and supporting. If you need any new version of Linux driver, please send email to our technical support team. Smatlab Linux Driver provides an open source standard for data acquisition plug-in boards with variety of common function. The drivers are implemented as a core Linux kernel module providing common functionality and individual low-level driver modules.

Smatlab provide full range of detail sample code and PCI bus address check information.

Download Device Driver:
PCI Industrial Control Card
8 Relay Output / 8 Photo Isolator Input Board
8 Channel SSR / Logic Output Board
16 Channel Relay Output Board
16 Channel Photo Isolator Input Board
Smatlab 16 Relay /16 Photo Isolator Card
Smatlab 8 Relay /8 Photo Isolator Card
PCI 4 Relay Output/4 Photo Isolator Card
PCI 8 Relay Output /8 Photo Isolator Card
PCI 16 Relay Output/ 16 Photo Isolator Card
PCI 16 Photo Isolator Input/Output Card
64 Channel Industrial Control Card

Device Driver
Test Software & Sample Code